Weight Loss and Body Sculpting
Imagine a machine that can help you lose an average of 3.5 combined inches in one 32 minute treatment. Two weeks ago my wife, Barb, and...
Weight Loss and Body Sculpting
This is me at 54 years old after a year of yoga
Yoga and Essential Oils
Yoga: Strength comes with practice
Learning on Vacation
Yoga: Small changes make a big difference
Anyone can do yoga!
Yoga and Cramps
Dr. Kille's Yoga Journey
The Vital Connection: Your Spinal Column & Nervous System
Children and Chiropractic Care
Prenatal and Postnatal Chiropractic
Air Quality in Office and Home
Relief from the pain of Shingles
Why I Became a Chiropractor
Shocking Vitamin D Deficiency Statistics
Chiropractic Helps Pro Basketball Player
Who is today's chiropractor?
Chiropractic and Football