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TurboSonic Therapy

TurboSonic provides the first safe, effective way to excite human cells. This new technology accelerates the body's natural response, increases cellular oxygen in-take, stimulates cellular fluid movement and assists the body to remove cellular waste.

After only a 10 minute treatment the cells in your body are more resilient, more vibrant, and function together as a healthier unit.

The TurboSonic prevents loss of muscle strength due to lack of exercise during the recovery period. By exercising the whole body this system improves lymph and blood circulation to promote more rapid and complete recovery. The TurboSonic is widely used by professional athletic teams to maintain higher levels of fitness as well as hasten recovery times.

Human growth hormones released by the TurboSonic stimulates regeneration of the skin, tones the muscles, revitalizes organ functions, and accelerates the healing process.

*This information has been provided for general purposes only

The following issues have been helped with the TurboSonic, although everyone will have their own personal results. Results may vary from person to person.

  • Emphysema

  • MS, ALS

  • Edema

  • Osteoporosis

  • Arthritis and Rheumatism

  • Uterine Prolapse/Bladder Incontinence

  • Excess Body Fat

  • Reduction of Cellulite

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