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Enzyme Therapy


What to expect:


In our office you will take a 30-40 minute, in depth digestive history and diet questionnaire, followed by  a 45 minute office visit and examination with the doctor.  In many cases a 24 hour take-home urine collection analysis will be recommended to further aid in determining your enzyme needs. 


We will see if your issues are with protein, carbohydrate or fat digestion and will recommend the enzyme formulas that best help with your situation.  Follow-up visits take about 15 minutes and are used to fine tune your enzyme formulas as you recover from your digestive distress.

Enzyme Therapy


Do you experience any of the follow symptoms? Your body may be trying to tell you that you need enzyme therapy.  Signs that dietary changes are needed include symptoms like:

  • Stiff, sore joints

  • Headache

  • Heartburn

  • Gas pain/bloating

  • Constipation/diarrhea

  • Anxiety/irritability

  • Restlessness/insomnia

Food enzymes are found in all living substances including raw foods. All nutritional references and studies recommend at least six servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day to maintain health.  Fresh fruits and vegetables have enzymes, where canned, cooked, irradiated, and chemically treated foods do not.  Enzymes. are removed from our food supply in order to extend shelf-life.  Essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, are added back into processed foods but the enzymes are not.

Enzymes are a large class of protein substances that are produced by living cells.  They are essential to life because they act as catalysts by promoting reversible reactions (hydrolysis and oxidation).  These reactions occur at specific temperatures and within limited pH ranges, without the enzymes being markedly changed or destroyed.  They require activators, vitamins and minerals which are also called coenzymes.

The Loomis enzyme formulas deliver nutrients past an incompetent digestive system because they assist with digestion in the stomach.  They work in a wide pH range (2.0 to 9.0) and can be used to “pre-digest” food in the stomach.  It takes 30 to 60 minutes to concentrate enough stomach acid to reduce the resting pH of the stomach from between 5.0 and 6.0 down to 3.0 and thus inactivate food enzymes.  Loomis enzymes also act to allow a healthy inflammatory response.  Inflammation is not a disease, it is a normal function that protects the body and repairs injured tissue.

Lack of food enzymes from our present U.S. food supply causes our own body “digestive stress”.  Many of our modern disease epidemics are related to digestive stress.  Take Type II diabetes as an example. Type II diabetes is out of control in our society and stress on our pancreas (digestive stress) is a huge factor.  If you supplement with enzymes the pancreas doesn’t have to work as hard supplying digestive enzymes and can devote more energy to producing insulin for blood sugar regulation and pancreatin for immune regulation.


The Loomis Institute of Enzyme Nutrition trains health care professionals to use professional grade enzyme formulas to restore balance to digestion and your body’s enzymatic function.

The vast majority of doctors, nutritionists, and dieticians do not have knowledge on the clinical use of enzymes.  Nor do most know how to restore normal function to the human digestive system.

There are a number of things that you can do to aid your own digestive process.  First and most important, chew your food well.  Chewing your food releases the enzymes contained within and can reduce digestive stress.  Second, eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables.  The more natural enzymes we take in the less digestive stress our bodies have to deal with.  Third, drink only room temperature or warmer liquids with your main meal.  Cold temperature can make digestive enzymes dormant.

Now that you know a little more about enzymes come by our office to see how Loomis enzymes can restore your digestive health.

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